Online peer learningová příležitost pro pracující s dětmi postiženými humanitární krizí
[If you do not work on child protection, mental health, or Ukraine, please forward to the right colleagues/team. Thank you!]
Geneva, 15 October 2024
From: Reda Sadki, The Geneva Learning Foundation (TGLF)
To: Adam Suchý
Clinical psychologist, psychotherapist Czech Psychological Alliance for Global Change
Re: Request for dissemination of 2nd Call for applications for the Certificate peer learning programme on Psychological First Aid (PFA) in support of children affected by the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine
Dear Adam,
Funded by the EU4Health programme, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) (contact: is collaborating with The Geneva Learning Foundation (TGLF) to provide online peer learning opportunities.
I am reaching out about the second Call for applications in English and Ukrainian languages for professionals supporting children affected by the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. View information page
It is open to anyone involved in supporting children impacted by the crisis.
The current closing deadline for applications is 30 October 2024.
Grateful for the support of many partners for the first Call to applications, we kindly ask you to:
1. Forward this message to your MHPSS, learning, and communications colleagues? If you or your team want to join the programme, we will be glad to facilitate your application. Request the application here.
2. Share the announcement in English on any of Telegram, WhatsApp , X/Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.
Share the announcement in Ukrainian on any of Telegram, WhatsApp, X/Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.
You will also find a message below suitable for sharing by email and/or posting on mailing lists, newsletters, web sites, etc.
3. Kindly confirm your support by 15 October 2024 by completing this 1-minute survey.
To learn more, you may download the bilingual slides or view the latest online information briefing in English or Ukrainian.
Kindly acknowledge receipt, and please let me know if you have questions or would like more information.
Best regards,
Reda Sadki
The Geneva Learning Foundation
PS See what we learned from the first cohort in our new insights report here.
Call for applications: Certificate peer learning programme on Psychological First Aid (PFA) in support of children affected by the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine
Are you involved in supporting children affected by the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine?
We want to support you!
Funded by the #EU4Health programme of the @EuropeanCommission, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (@ifrc) and The Geneva Learning Foundation (@DigitalScholarX) are offering an online Certificate peer-learning programme tailored for #health, #social work, and #education professionals working across Europe.
3 top reasons to apply:
1. Learn by sharing experience.
2. Get fresh ideas to help you better support children.
3. Earn certification to validate your experience.
For more information and to apply, visit:
Ви допомагаєте дітям, які постраждали від конфлікту в Україні?
Ми хочемо вас підтримати!
Міжнародна Федерація Товариств Червоного Хреста і Червоного Півмісяця (@ifrc) та Женевська освітня фундація (@DigitalScholarX) за фінансової підтримки програми #EU4Health @EuropeanCommission пропонують онлайн-навчання "рівний-рівному" з #ПершаПсихологічнаДопомога (ППД) дітям, розроблену для #медичних працівників, #соціальних працівників та #освітян, які працюють по всій Європі.
3 головні причини подати заявку:
1. Навчайтеся через обмін досвідом.
2. Отримайте нові ідеї для підтримки дітей.
3. Отримайте сертифікат, щоб підтвердити свій досвід.
Щоб отримати додаткову інформацію та подати заявку,